Stay at Home Small Space Workout

Hello Folks!

Promised I’d be back this week with some quick exercises to do while “staying-at home” – or anytime you need a short workout. I’ve got two options below for you, one with weights one without. Use these to get moving any time you have a small space to work with or not a lot of time. Have fun!


Option 1: Body Weight Only

-50 jumping jacks

-20 push ups

-30 second plank – option to lift one leg to make it harder or to do on knees to make it easier

-20 mountain climbers

-25 oblique crunches each side

-20 squats

Do these exercises 2-5 times in a row for a little up in that heart rate. Option to take off the last two exercises

Option 2: Weights available

-100 jumping jacks

-16 bicep curls

-20 squats

-16 tricep kicks

-20 turned out squats (or called plies)

-8 deltoid lifts (arms at right angle w/weights, lift to shoulder height so palms face the ground. Repeat)

-20 torso rotations (with weights slightly in front of you, arms held at 90 degrees, rotate shoulders side to side, using your core to power that movement) option to substitute 30 second plank

Repeat 2-5 times. Take off the last two exercises if less time available

Emily Stieber